The Return of the Aesthetic in American Studies

International Conference
29. November – 1. Dezember 2018
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Institut für England- und Amerikastudien

Aesthetics is coming back.
For the past forty years, scholars across the humanities have routinely rejected aesthetic inquiry as ideological, exclusionary, or politically quietist. In American Studies particularly, this anti-aesthetic attitude has congealed into the field’s common sense. Only in the most recent past have several scholars begun to pay renewed attention to the aesthetic and to rethink its relationship to the spheres of the social, economic, and political. “The Return of the Aesthetic in American Studies” critically takes stock of recent returns to the aesthetic and extends their scope.


Scholars working in such diverse areas as media studies, identity theory, animal studies/posthumanism, and democratic theory have begun to put the aesthetic dimension of their objects of study at the center of their work, even if they do not necessarily consider their scholarship to belong to the field of aesthetics proper. To bring these approaches into the conversation, we propose to broaden the definition of “aesthetics” so as to reflect that in American Studies – as much as in many other disciplines within the humanities – “the aesthetic” is increasingly recovering its original reference to sense perceptions (aisthesis). At the same time, however, scholars have also begun to rethink traditional concerns of aesthetic theory. In particular, they have been revisiting the question of aesthetic autonomy. Far from conceiving of aesthetic autonomy as apolitical, the resurging debate explores its potentially oppositional and utopian position vis-à-vis recent economic, social, and political developments.

These two major strands of recent aesthetic inquiry are often in tension with one another. While conceptions of the aesthetic that emphasize the notion of aisthesis tend to assume that the aesthetic is a driving force of recent social, political, and economic developments (like the solidification of neoliberal capitalism or the rise of populism in Western democracies), conceptions of the aesthetic related to artworks tend to regard the aesthetic as a potentially oppositional force to these very developments.

So far American Studies practitioners have not yet adequately reflected on the co-presence of these two concepts of the aesthetic. Thus, the conceptual differences between them and the ramifications that these differences have for assessing the relation between the aesthetic and various social forces have hitherto remained unaddressed. Can the two major strands of aesthetic inquiry mutually challenge each other to interrogate uncritically accepted premises? To what extent do they unwittingly borrow from each other? And what are the avenues to aesthetic inquiry outside of the two strands sketched here?

Conference program
Thursday, November 29
Casino, CAS 1.801
Welcome and Introduction
Johannes Voelz (Frankfurt)
Panel 1: Aesthetic Theory Today I
Walter Benn Michaels (UI Chicago): “Making Art: Action, Autonomy, Adorno, and Anscombe”
Chair: Marlon Lieber (Kiel/Frankfurt)
Coffee Break
Panel 1: Aesthetic Theory Today I (continued)
Rieke Jordan (Frankfurt): “Reader, Curator”
Caroline Levine (Cornell): “Sustainable Aesthetics”
Chair: Stephan Kuhl (Frankfurt)
Opening Reception
Friday, November 30
Casino, CAS 1.811
Panel 2: Practical Aesthetics
Bernd Herzogenrath (Frankfurt): “Towards a Practical Aesthetics”
Eugenie Brinkema (MIT): “Colors Without Bodies: Wes Anderson’s Drab Ethics”
Chair: Thomas Clark (Frankfurt)
Coffee Break
Panel 2: Practical Aesthetics (continued)
Julius Greve (Oldenburg): “Material Praxis and ‘Pragmatic Aesthetics’ in Pound and Olson”
Chair: Thomas Clark (Frankfurt)
Panel 3: Aesthetics of Identity
Elisabeth Bronfen (Zürich): “Getting Out, Getting Even: Aesthetics of the Interracial Posthuman”
Luvena Kopp (Tübingen): “On the Politics of Spike Lee’s Aesthetics”
Chair: Linda Heß (Frankfurt)
Coffee Break
Panel 3: Aesthetics of Identity (continued)
Lee Edelman (Tufts): “‘Queerness,’ Afro-Pessimism, and the Aesthetic”
Chair: Linda Heß (Frankfurt)
Saturday, December 1
IG-Farben-Gebäude IG 411
Panel 4: Democratic Aesthetics
Jennifer Greiman (Wake Forest): “Militant, Ruthless, Round: Herman Melville, William Connolly, and the Aesthetics of Radical Democracy”
Johannes Voelz (Frankfurt): “The Aesthetics of the Populist Space of Appearance”
Chair: Magda Majewska (Frankfurt)
Coffee Break
Panel 4: Democratic Aesthetics (continued)
Russ Castronovo (Madison): “Gothic Communications: Terror and the Informational Sublime”
Chair: Magda Majewska (Frankfurt)
Panel 5: Aesthetic Theory Today II
Hanjo Berressem (Cologne): “Aesthetics squared: Félix Guattari’s Schizo-Ecological Aesthetics”
Susanne Rohr (Hamburg): “The Aesthetics of Madness”
Chair: Simon Wendt (Frankfurt)
Coffee Break
Panel 5: Aesthetic Theory Today II (continued)
Jennifer Ashton (UI Chicago): “Nothing in Commons: The Plural Person and the Vanishing Public Good”
Winfried Fluck (FU Berlin): “What is Freedom? The Contribution of Contemporary Art”
Chair: Susanne Opfermann (Frankfurt)


Watch our speakers in conversation with fellow experts. These conversations were recorded in the course of the conference.


Walter Benn Michaels (UI Chicago) with Danielle Follett (Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Rieke Jordan (Frankfurt) with Laura Bieger (Groningen)

Caroline Levine (Cornell) with Nathan Taylor (Frankfurt)

Bernd Herzogenrath (Frankfurt) with Katerina Krtilova (Zürich)

Eugenie Brinkema (MIT) with Ruth Mayer (Hannover)
Written conversation. Please download Pdf.

Julius Greve (Oldenburg) with Gabriele Rippl (Bern)

Elisabeth Bronfen (Zürich) with Laura Bieger (Groningen)

Luvena Kopp (Tübingen) with Christa Buschendorf (Frankfurt)

Lee Edelman (Tufts) with Ralph Poole (Salzburg)

Jennifer Greiman (Wake Forest) with Andrew Gross (Göttingen)

Johannes Voelz (Frankfurt) with Thomas Claviez (Bern)

Russ Castronovo (Madison) with Philipp Schweighauser (Basel)

Hanjo Berressem (Cologne) with Achim Geisenhanslüke (FU Berlin)

Susanne Rohr (Hamburg) with Dustin Breitenwischer (Freiburg)

Jennifer Ashton (UI Chicago) with Günter Leypoldt (Heidelberg)

Winfried Fluck (FU Berlin) with Peter Schneck (Osnabrück)


Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Institut für England- und Amerikastudien
Abteilung Amerikanistik
Campus Westend
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Map of the campus (PDF)

1 – Casino, CAS 1.801, CAS 1.811
2 – IG-Farben-Gebäude IG 411

Prof. Dr. Johannes Voelz


Prof. Dr. Johannes Völz
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Institut für England- und Amerikastudien
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60629 Frankfurt am Main


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